Utils for managing web extensions written in Go.
go install github.com/adguardteam/go-webext
To release a new version:
- Create a new release on GitHub
- Add a new tag following semantic versioning (e.g., v0.1.3)
Users can install a specific version using:
go install github.com/adguardteam/[email protected]
Before start, you have to get credentials to the stores API.
How to get Chrome Store credentials API described here https://developer.chrome.com/docs/webstore/using_webstore_api/
After getting CODE
, you'd be able to get refresh_token
via request to this url
curl "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token" -d \
Note: you have to use refresh_token
instead of access_token
Getting credentials for Addons Mozilla Org is not difficult. You should have a Firefox account and be logged in. After that go to the following link: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/developers/addon/api/key/
Microsoft Edge Addons Store now supports two API versions:
- v1.1 (Recommended) - Uses API Key authentication
- v1.0 (Deprecated) - Uses Client Secret and Access Token URL
Important Note: Microsoft is deprecating v1.0 API. You should migrate to v1.1 as soon as possible because:
- Secrets are being deprecated and replaced with API keys
- Access Token URL is being deprecated
- API key expiration will reduce from 2 years to 72 days
For v1.1 API credentials setup, visit: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/extensions-chromium/publish/api/using-addons-api?tabs=v1-1
Received credentials can be stored in the .env
file or provided via environment variables.
For Edge Store v1.1 (Recommended):
Note: The Edge API key might contain special characters that need to be escaped correctly. You can use the godotenv
library to handle this. For more details on writing env files, refer to the godotenv documentation.
For Edge Store v1.0 (Deprecated):
After that, you can use the CLI.
webext [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
- status returns extension info
- insert uploads extension to the store
- update uploads new version of extension to the store
- publish publishes extension to the store
- sign signs extension in the store
- help, h shows a list of commands or help for one command
Examples to get extension status info from the stores:
./go-webext status chrome -a bjefoaoblohljkadffjcpkgfamdadogp
./go-webext status firefox --app [email protected]
Examples of commands to upload new extension (not uploaded before) to the stores:
./go-webext insert firefox -f ./firefox.zip -s ./source.zip
./go-webext insert chrome -f ./chrome.zip
There is no API for creating a new product. You must complete these tasks manually in Microsoft Partner Center.
Examples of commands to upload new version of extension to the stores:
./go-webext update firefox -f ./firefox.zip -s ./source.zip
./go-webext update chrome -f ./chrome.zip -a bjefoaoblohljkadffjcpkgfamdadogp
./go-webext update edge -f ./edge.zip -a 7a933b66-f8ff-4292-bc88-db593afg4bf8
Examples of commands to publish extensions to the stores:
# Basic publish
./go-webext publish chrome -a bjefoaoblohljkadffjcpkgfamdadogp
# Publish to trusted testers
./go-webext publish chrome -a bjefoaoblohljkadffjcpkgfamdadogp -t trustedTesters
# Gradual rollout to 10% of users
./go-webext publish chrome -a bjefoaoblohljkadffjcpkgfamdadogp -p 10
# Request expedited review
./go-webext publish chrome -a bjefoaoblohljkadffjcpkgfamdadogp -e
# Combine options (publish to trusted testers with 50% rollout and expedited review)
./go-webext publish chrome -a bjefoaoblohljkadffjcpkgfamdadogp -t trustedTesters -p 50 -e
Available options:
-t, --target
: Publish target ("trustedTesters" or "default"). Trusted testers are specific users you designate in the Chrome Web Store Developer Dashboard who can test your extension before it's released to the general public. You'll need to add their email addresses in the Account tab under Management > Trusted Testers.-p, --percentage
: Deployment percentage (0-100) for gradual rollout. Note: Using the API to change deployment percentage currently always triggers a review, even if only the percentage is changed. This behavior may change in the future (discussion).-e, --expedited
: Request expedited review process
- create CLI to deploy to the stores
- chrome
- firefox
- edge
- opera
- static
- TODO add description for every possible command
- get publish status for extensions from storage (published, draft, on review)
- subscribe on status change via email or slack
- collect stats from storage
- setup sentry to collect errors