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service: imp docs, code #536

service: imp docs, code

service: imp docs, code #536

Workflow file for this run

'name': 'test golibs'
'on': 'push'
'runs-on': '${{ matrix.os }}'
- 'windows-latest'
- 'macos-latest'
- 'ubuntu-latest'
- 'uses': 'actions/checkout@master'
- 'uses': 'actions/setup-go@v3'
'go-version': '1.23.x'
- 'name': 'tests'
'run': 'make test'
- 'name': 'coverage'
'uses': 'codecov/codecov-action@v1'
success() && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
'token': '${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}'
'file': './coverage.txt'
- 'tests'
# Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request
# from a fork.
# Use always() to signal to the runner that this job must run even if the
# previous ones failed.
${{ always() &&
github.event_name == 'push' ||
github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository
'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest'
- 'name': 'Conclusion'
'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1'
- 'name': 'Send Slack notification'
'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3'
'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}'
'fields': 'workflow, repo, message, commit, author, eventName, ref'
'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}'