Build machine learning-powered business intelligence analyses using Amazon QuickSight
Amazon QuickSight ML Insights uses AWS-proven ML and natural language capabilities to help you gain deeper insights from your data. These powerful, out-of-the-box features make it easy to discover hidden trends and outliers, identify key business drivers, and perform powerful what-if analysis and forecasting with no technical or ML experience.
The NYC Taxi data set is in an S3 bucket. To import S3 data into Amazon QuickSight, use a manifest file.
After you import the data set into Amazon QuickSight SPICE, you can start creating analyses and visuals. Your goal is to create an ML-powered visual to forecast the future demand for taxis. For more information, see Forecasting and Creating What-If Scenarios with Amazon Quicksight.
In Amazon QuickSight, you can add insights, autonarratives, and ML-powered anomaly detection to your analyses without ML expertise or knowledge. Amazon QuickSight generates suggested insights and autonarratives automatically, but for ML-powered anomaly detection, you need to perform additional steps. For more information, see Using ML-Powered Anomaly Detection.