An application for translating sentence to it's representation in sign language.
- Uses web scraping to retrievie single word videos
- OpenAI for generating ASL translated sentence
- Machine Learning Model for picking correct videos that matches given ASL word
- Video concatenator for merging single word videos into one
- Custom logging system
- Loading config from .ini file
To install all dependencies of this project run
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
When installing ffmpeg, it needs to be added to PATH in order to work correctly.
Then run using
After that create .env file in the base folder of the project
The program will then start to download all word videos from the internet using selenium module.
Est. download time is ~ 3h.
After that time the program will train the ML model based on scraped data. When training finishes, a window is being opened - enter your sentence.
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
- OpenAI api key
All videos program uses are being scraped from SigningSavvy