A one header file library for encoding and decoding QOI files.
- A much simpler and abstracted code
- No 400MB limit found in reference QOI implementation
- No extra memory allocation while running this codec1
- Programmed in freestanding C useful in embedded systems
Place the qoi.h file into your project folder preferably in your project's include folder
Define the following below before you include qoi.h library in one of your source code file
#include "sQOI.h"
Assume you opened the file and
allocated enough memory for the encoder
before this code
qoi_desc_t desc;
qoi_enc_t enc;
uint8_t* pixel_seek;
qoi_set_dimensions(&desc, width, height);
qoi_set_channels(&desc, channels);
qoi_set_colorspace(&desc, colorspace);
write_qoi_header(&desc, qoi_file);
pixel_seek = file_buffer;
qoi_enc_init(&desc, &enc, qoi_file);
while (!qoi_enc_done(&enc))
qoi_encode_chunk(&desc, &enc, pixel_seek);
pixel_seek += desc.channels;
Write the QOI file after encoding
or do something else after encoding
/* After reading a QOI file and placed in buffer */
qoi_desc_t desc;
qoi_dec_t dec;
qoi_pixel_t px;
uint8_t *bytes;
size_t rawImageLength, seek;
if (!read_qoi_header(&desc, qoi_bytes))
printf("The file you opened is not a QOIF file\n");
raw_image_length = (size_t)desc.width * (size_t)desc.height * (size_t)desc.channels;
seek = 0;
if (raw_image_length == 0)
qoi_dec_init(&desc, &dec, qoi_bytes, buffer_size);
/* Creates a blank image for the decoder to work on */
bytes = (unsigned char*)malloc(raw_image_length * sizeof(unsigned char) + 4);
if (!bytes)
/* Keep decoding the pixels until
all pixels are done decompressing */
while (!qoi_dec_done(&dec))
px = qoi_decode_chunk(&dec);
/* Do something with the pixel values below */
bytes[seek] = px.red;
bytes[seek + 1] = px.green;
bytes[seek + 2] = px.blue;
if (desc.channels > 3)
bytes[seek + 3] = px.alpha;
seek += desc.channels;
/* Use the pixels however you want after this code */
qoi_enc <input file> <width> <height> <channels> <colorspace> <output file>
Input file must be raw RGB or RGBA file
This program only outputs raw RGB or RGBA files depending on the amount of channels in a QOI file
qoi_dec <input file> <output file>
- C99 compiler or C++ compiler
- CMake 3.1
Thank you to the authors of the source code being used for inspiration for this source code
You must provide a pointer to an existing array to run this codec ↩