Out-of-the-box TYPO3 docker image which can be linked to MySQL.
This image is highly inspired by (tutum-docker-wordpress-nosql)[https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/tutum/wordpress-stackable/]!
This image needs an external MySQL server or linked MySQL container. To create a MySQL container:
docker run -d -e MYSQL_PASS="<your_password>" --name db -p 3306:3306 tutum/mysql:5.5
To run TYPO3 by linking to the database created above:
docker run -d --link db:db -e DB_PASS="<your_password>" -p 80:80 dkdde/typo3
Now, you can use your web browser to access TYPO3 from the the follow address:
User is "admin" and password is "password".
If you want to use it as a base image to create your customized version of TYPO3, you can do so by creating a Dockerfile
similar to the following:
FROM dkdde/typo3:latest
# Add an initial data which will be automatically loaded when creating the database for the first time
ADD initial_db.sql /initial_db.sql
# Add a custom composer.json
ADD composer.json /app/composer.json