Releases: Agnarz/ag-admin
Releases · Agnarz/ag-admin
- Added jotai back in. created src/state. All atoms are here.
- Created src/types. All typings are here
- Updated menu init.: All options are imported in the front end now. The commands, favorites and quick actions are loaded via init callback but not with updateMenu anymore.
New Commands in the menu
- Kick, Kickall and Ban.
Commands changes
- Removed fav key from all commands. This key is now added after the commands and favorites are loaded, same as the id.
- Changed the way favorites are stored and loaded.
- Instead of loading/saving the entire list of commands, it's only an array of command names. W
- When clicking the favorite icon, it either saves the name of the command to an array or it removes it from this array.
- The big thing is that it's not using the entire commands list when loading/saving/updating, just names of commands in an array.
- Updated ArgValue type to allow array of strings. (Timecycles & PedModels)
- Added step prop to number input.
- Updated import paths for types
- Renamed FormCommand type to FormCommandProps
- Renamed ButtonCommand type to ButtonCommandProps
- Renamed QuickAction type to QuickActionProps
- Renamed Command type to CommandProps
- Renamed Player type to PlayerProps
Other changes:
- Teleports: Maze Bank Helipad added
- Added close prop to QuickActions but it's broken right now :(
Basic setup before starting qb integration.
Current Commands in the menu
There is a few commands that are not included/registered from resource, but are in the menu itself.
They are: /car, /dv, /fix and /dev. I have done all the development for this resource on a basic server with these commands in a separate resource.
They seem popular enough regardless, and the qb-core resource has /car and /dv.
My next plan is to start qb integration. I've already started the process but wanted to finally 'release' something.
- Revive Self: /revive
- Give Armour: /armour
- Set PedModel: /pedmodel (model, target)
- Give Weapon: /giveweapon (weapon, ammo, target)
- Spawn Vehicle: /car (vehicle)
- Max Performance mod vehicle: /mod -- (in Spawn Vehicle expand)
- Delete Vehicle: /dv -- (in Spawn Vehicle expand)
- Set Engine Audio: /engineaudio (vehicle)
- Repair Vehicle: /fix
- GodMode: /godmode
- NoClip: /noclip
- Cloak: /cloak
- Increased Run Speed: /godspeed
- Unlimited Stamina: /godstam
- Superjump: /superjump
- Night Vision: /nightv
- Thermal Vision: /thermalv
- Teleport to Marker: /tpm
- Teleport to Coords: /tpc (coords)
- Teleport to Location: /tpl (location, keepVehicle)
- Set Timecycle Modifier: /timecycle (timecycle, strength)
Quick Actions
- Reload commands: /commands-r
- Dev: /dev
- Copy current coords: /copycoords ('vec3' or 'vec4')