This project was written in kotlin and java
This project uses a number of libraries: => javafx
=> Jfoenix
=> Sping framework
=> Apache Common Codecs
=> Mysql connector 8
=> jetbrain Kotlin lang
This project is written in java 8, however it can be run also in the future release of java with no syntax error or problem (9, 11, 12, 13, 14 #current release) to run this project in java 9-14 you need to set up javafx sdk and use VMOptions to set it to path. The schoolmanagement.Main class is the main class to run.
//Database. Concerning database, you are going to setup your database connection url in the following spring config.xml file : schoolmanagement.resource.config.config.xml
there is a folder in the projects directory called db database that is the my database that i backup. so enter your mysql/phpmyadmin/mysql workshop and import the backup file. so it wll load all the tables and database for you,
The passwprd for the admin is : ####usernme: admin ####password: admin
or go straight ahead and create your own user by sighning up, then going to mysql and alter table users set role = 'admin' where username = 'your user name'
Note: Dont forget to edit the schoolmanagement.resource.config.xml file , make sure you change the connection string to match your local host / db connection url, and need to be mysql
uing any db different than mysql will result to changing all the mysql syntax in the application to the current db syntax that you are using
NOTE: *Make sure you have the kotlin plugin in your id or you can easily import the lib from schoolmanagement/lib/kotlinlibs make sure you have the kotlin plugin installed in your ide for intelisense, error detecting and more