This is a simple database management system that allows users to create, read, update, and delete data from a database. The database is stored in a file called Data and is created if it does not exist. The database is a simple key-value(s) store that stores data in a Vector format. The database is implemented in java, and the data is serialized to the disk and deserialized whenever needed. To optimize queries and other functionalities, binary search is used in insert, update, single delete, and point query functionalities.
The database management system allows users to perform the following operations:
Create a table
CREATE TABLE table_name (column_name1 data_type, column_name2 data_type, ...);
Insert data into a table
INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (value1, value2, ...);
Read data from a table
SELECT * FROM table_name;
Update data in a table
UPDATE table_name SET column_name1 = value1, column_name2 = value2, ... WHERE column_name = value;
Delete data from a table
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE column_name = value;
Create an Octree index on a table
CREATE INDEX ON table_name (column_name);
Perform a range query on a table
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name < value1;
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name > value1;
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name != value1;
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name <> value1;
Perform a point query on a table
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name = value;
Perform a compound query on a table
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name1 = value1 AND column_name2 = value2;
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name1 = value1 OR column_name2 = value2;
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name1 = value1 AND column_name2 = value2 OR column_name3 = value3;
To install the database management system, clone the repository using the following command:
git clone
To use the database management system, clone the repo, compile the code, and run the DBApp class. The following is an example of how to use the database management system:
DBApp dbApp = new DBApp();
Next you will have to create parameters that constraint the input you introduce to each field in the table.
Hashtable<String, String> htblColNameType = new Hashtable<String, String>();
htblColNameType.put("id", "java.lang.Integer");
htblColNameType.put("name", "java.lang.String");
htblColNameType.put("gpa", "java.lang.double");
Hashtable<String, Object> minValues = new Hashtable<>();
minValues.put("id", 0);
minValues.put("name", "A");
minValues.put("gpa", 0.0);
Hashtable<String, Object> maxValues = new Hashtable<>();
maxValues.put("id", 1000);
maxValues.put("name", "ZZ");
maxValues.put("gpa", 4.0);
Then you will have to create a table with name students, primary key id, and the parameters you created above
dbApp.createTable("students", "id", htblColNameType, minValues, maxValues);
To insert data into the table, you will have to create a Hashtable with the column names as keys and the values as values
Hashtable<String, Object> htblColNameValue = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
htblColNameValue.put("id", 1);
htblColNameValue.put("name", "Ahmad");
htblColNameValue.put("gpa", 3.5);
htblColNameValue = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
htblColNameValue.put("id", 2);
htblColNameValue.put("name", "Omar");
htblColNameValue.put("gpa", 3.0);
htblColNameValue = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
htblColNameValue.put("id", 3);
htblColNameValue.put("name", "Abdelrahman");
htblColNameValue.put("gpa", 3.8);
dbApp.insertIntoTable("students", htblColNameValue);
dbApp.insertIntoTable("students", htblColNameValue);
dbApp.insertIntoTable("students", htblColNameValue);
Note that: if you want to insert a null value you can do it by not entering the column name in the Hashtable, null values are wrapped in a NullWrapper class instance.
htblColNameValue = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); htblColNameValue.put("id", 4); htblColNameValue.put("name", "Logine"); dbApp.insertIntoTable("students", htblColNameValue);
To update data in the table, you will have to create a Hashtable with the column names as keys and the values as values
Hashtable<String, Object> htblColNameValue = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
htblColNameValue.put("name", "Ahmad");
htblColNameValue.put("gpa", 3.5);
dbApp.updateTable("students", "1", htblColNameValue);
To delete data from the table, you will have to create a Hashtable with the column names as keys and the values as values
Hashtable<String, Object> htblColNameValue = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
htblColNameValue.put("id", 1);
dbApp.deleteFromTable("students", htblColNameValue);
Note that: if you want to delete all the data in the table, you can do it by not entering any column name in the Hashtable
htblColNameValue = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); dbApp.deleteFromTable("students", htblColNameValue);
To create an Octree index on a table, you will have to create an Array with the column names as values
String[] strarrColNames = { "id", "name", "gpa" };
dbApp.createIndex("students", strarrColNames);
To perform a point query on a table, you will have to create a Hashtable with the column names as keys and the values as values
- Note that: the returned result set has to be stored in a MyIterator object. This way you can iterate over the result set and print the data.
Hashtable<String, Object> htblColNameValue = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
htblColNameValue.put("id", 1);
MyIterator resultSet = dbApp.selectFromTable("students", htblColNameValue);
while (resultSet.hasNext()) {
Performing a range query is supported in SQL format. The following is an example of a range query
StringBuffer strbufSQL = new StringBuffer();
strbufSQL.append("SELECT * FROM students WHERE id < 2;");
MyIterator resultSet = dbApp.parseSQL(strbufSQL);
while (resultSet.hasNext()) {
- Note that: creating a table, inserting into, updating, and deleting from a table are also supported in SQL format. The following is an example of how to use the database management system in SQL format:
StringBuffer strbufSQL = new StringBuffer(); strbufSQL.append(any SQL query here); dbApp.parseSQL(strbufSQL);
To print any table you can use the following method
To print any octree index you can use the following method
String[] strarrColNames = { "id", "name", "gpa" };
dbApp.printIndex("students", strarrColNames);