Automated System that can perform online exams with the use of SQL database for such system.
- ERD.
- Mapping.
- All Stored Procedures.
- Reports Generated Using Report Builder.
- Database Dictionary for our Database
- Desktop Application using C#.
- Clone Repo.
- Restore our DB Backup -You Should have SQL Server Installed on Your Machine-
- Run the .sln file in our Desktop Application Folder.
- Credentials:
Username: Admin
Password: Admin
- Admin has the Abiility to View some Reports Based on our Database
- Courses Topics.
- Instructors Data.
- Students Data.
- Students Exam Reesults.
- Courses Topics.
- Credentials:
Username: "Studetnt userID"
Password: "Student NationalID"- For Example:
- username: 200
- password: 14236547895634
- For Example:
- After that, the student will be able to select
- Course Name from the course list.
- Number of MC Questions.
- Number of TF Questions.
- Course Name from the course list.