Mostaghanaiem is a web plateforme for travel agency made with Django Framework, it contains a CRUD managment for an agency details and all its rubrics and a reservation managment using the sqlite database.
- Switch from local Database to something more powerful (AWS S3 bucket).
- Minimize the Media Files size.
- ADD JS lazyload library for images and big size media.
- Add Auto Delete for old reservations and old trips announces to save Spaces on the database.
- Visual Studio Code (IDE).
- Python (Logic code).
- Django template language (DTL) (UI Library).
- Fork, clone or download the project and open it with VsCode (or any other IDE).
- cd ghanaiem_agency/
- create Virtual envirenment 'virtualenv <name_it_as_you_want> .'.
- Activate it on Linux:'source <name_of_the_envirement>/bin/activate'.
- Activate it on Windows:'source <name_of_the_envirement>/Scripts/activate'.
- Install the requirement libraries 'pip install -r requirements.txt'.
- Run the server 'python runserver'.