你好,我是 Airmomo,你也可以叫我 Momo。在忙碌的快节奏的生活里,我更喜欢独处和休闲,希望有时间可以去享受生活,去看遍美好的景色,去慢慢欣赏一字一石。为了有更多的时间属于自己,我热情地投身于能够提高生活或工作效率的一切东西,从编程的出现到如今人工智能的发展和应用,都似乎在帮助我实现我的理想.
Hi dear ! I am Airmomo, you can also call me Momo. In the busy and fast-paced life, I actually prefer solitude and leisure, hoping to have time to enjoy life, to see beautiful scenery, and to slowly appreciate every word and stone. In order to have more time for myself, I enthusiastically devote myself to everything that can improve life or work efficiency, from the emergence of programming to the development and application of artificial intelligence today, it seems to be helping me achieve my ideals.
🌹 I hope that in this increasingly convenient era, everyone can have more time to love themselves. 🌹
❤️ 我希望在这个无处都逐渐便捷的年代,每一个人都能多一些爱自己的时间。 ❤️
Please note your name and idea.
😁 Welcome friends from all corners of the world! Let's do something fun!
❤️ 如果你也关注 AI 的发展现状,且对 AI 应用开发非常感兴趣,我会每日分享大模型与 AI 领域的最新应用和热点信息,提供开源实例和实用教程,帮助你快速上手AI技术,欢迎关注我哦!