This Databricks notebook performs an in-depth analysis of stocks data for five companies (TCS, AdaniPorts, AsianPaint, HdfcBank, TataSteel). The analysis covers various aspects, including:
- A database named "PortFolio" is created.
- Tables are created for each company (AdaniPorts, AsianPaint, HdfcBank, TataSteel, TCS) based on CSV files uploaded into HDFS.
- Queries are executed to fetch the maximum and minimum values of High and Low columns for each company on specific dates.
- New tables are created with additional columns (DayInWeek) to store data in a structured manner.
- Data from the original tables is inserted into the new tables, with an additional column indicating the day of the week.
- Market fluctuation is analyzed by subtracting open values from close values for each company.
- Yearly volume data is visualized for each company.
Feel free to explore and adapt this notebook for your own analysis or use case.