The game's objective is to pass hurdles and reach to Boss Enemy to kill him and rescue Baby Yoda.
- This terminal based game is a basic implementation or prototype of the Origional Game
- It includes physics components such as gravity
- The number of lives and time are limited
- You have to Defeat the boss Enemy at the end while collecting as many coins and doging from various Obstacles and Magnet on the way
- You also have bullets to fight the Boss Enemy
- Python3
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install python3
- pip3 install colorama
- python3
To move RIGHT
Press 'd' or 'D'
To move LEFT
press 'a' or 'A'
To Activate JETPACK
press 'w' or 'W'
To Activate the SHIELD
To Fire Bullets
press 'f' or 'F'
- Main hero or character of the game
- It has 10 lives and has 200 seconds and to reach to boss win
- The game has top and bottom boundaries
- There Are 3 types of Beams in the game namely Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal at 45 degree
- You loose a life when you touch them.
- They are randomly placed on the screen
- The magnet inuence the motion of the Mandalorian if he is in the range of the magnet represented by (+), he would be continuously attracted towards
- Only after the Mandalorian defeats it, he can rescue Baby Yoda and complete the game
- It throws snow balls on the mandoliran
- Scores and lives of the Mandolarian as well as the Boss Enemy are shown at the Bottom of the screen
- Score increases by 10 when a bullet hit the boss Enemy
- The speed of the game will increase upon taking this power-up. (@) *
- Mando will not be affected by the enemies and obstacles while shield is activated. It's charge left and charging time will be displayed on the top. The mandolarian will become in box when it is active. Shield cannot be activated while fighting to boss. *
- Color is Added to various Objects but not Background as It decreases the frame rates and makes game laggy.