Make sure you are in the current workspace and run the following command.
After the successful build of the repo
Source the env by running the following command
source /devel/setup.bash
Once the env is sourced. To visualize the robot run the following commnd.
roslaunch robot rviz.launch
Now, you will see a rviz screnn with nothing in it. What to do?
Follow the following instructions to visualize the robot
- First change the Fixed Frame in the Global options in RVIZ to base_link
- In the bottom right, there is add option.
- In that, add the "RobotModel" from display type
Now you should be able to visulaize the robot.
There are also joint_state_publishers
you can use this to play with the robot_arm to see how it moves around.
Visualizing RobotModel from Scratch using ROS noetic in RVIZ