Our project is about making the paper dependent system of birth, marriage, and death recording of the Ethiopian Kebele/ Wereda System to a digitalized system that can record, edit , and delete information given that the person has the right privelages. People can also book their reservations for updating the information online.
Business feature #1 Identification - identification refers to the process of associating a specific person with a specific identity. It is considered an important process because it addresses certain concerns about an individual, such as “Is the person who he/she claims to be?”, “Has this person been here before?”, or “Should this individual be allowed access to our system?”. A username, process ID, smart card, or anything else that may uniquely identify a subject or person can be used for identification.
Business feature #2 Digital Certificate- where users can use their phone to view or give proof of their valid certificate.
Business feature #3 Certificate Management- users can ask for approval and admins can approve or disapprove the request
Abreham Atlaw .... UGR/3423/12 ... 3
Aklile Yilma ...... UGR/7107/12 ... 3
Etsubdink Demeke .... UGR/6421/12 ... 3
Temesgen Zewude ... UGR/3848/12 ... 2