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πŸ“‘ Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. What is Cubot?
  3. Why would you want it?
  4. Documentation
  5. Installation
  6. Updates

πŸ“” Overview

A Java library to help you :

  • Virtually construct a Cube ( 2x2/3x3 ),
  • Quickly execute moves and perform algorithms seamlessly,
  • Manipulate the Cube using simple java,
  • Get the solution for the cube
  • Use a cube in your own projects

What is Cubot?

There are many Rubik's Cube-related graphic projects and solvers which implement various algorithms for solving the cube.
But programmers might not want something just for visualizing the cube, they might want a data-structure kind of solution for them to use in their own projects without having to make their own classes. Perhaps they want to only execute moves and compare cubes with the help of a library. Boom, Cubot enters the chat

πŸ€” Why would you want it?

With Cubot, you can

  • Virtually construct a Cube ( 2x2/3x3 ),
  • Quickly execute moves and perform algorithms seamlessly,
  • Manipulate the Cube using simple java,
  • Get the solution for the cube
  • Use a cube in your own projects
  • and so much more, with the help of the methods it provides

Now speed is relative, as we all know. But Cubot can scramble the Cube, print, solve the Cube, print, bring the cube back into the scrambled state and print again, in less than a second on average.

long startTime = System.nanoTime();

Cubot cube = new Cubot();
// "U2 F2 D2 U R' D2 B2 U L2 B' D' U2 F L F U' B' R' F' U F' U B L' D2 B R' B F2 R'" --> Offical WCA Scramble

cube.stringAlg("U2 F2 D2 U R' D2 B2 U L2 B' D' U2 F L F U' B' R' F' U F' U B L' D2 B R' B F2 R'") ;
// scrambles

Cubot cube2 = new Cubot(cube.cubeToArr()) ;
// prints output

String s  = cube.solve() ;
// solves

// prints ouput


cube.reverseAlg(s, true) ;
// rescrambles with the solve again

// prints output

System.out.println("Re-scrambled ? = " + ((Cube3) cube.getCube()).solved((Cube3) cube2.getCube())) ;
// checks if the rescrambled cube is the same as the first scramble

long endTime = System.nanoTime();
long time = (endTime - startTime) ;
System.out.println("Execution time in milliseconds: " + time / 1000000);

Example Example

Head over to the Docs for more on Cubot and how to use it

βš™οΈ Installation

  1. Download the Cubot.jar (v2.0)
  2. Go to your project on Intellij or Eclipse
  3. Click on Files on the top left corner, and then click on Project Structure


4. Now click on the Libraries option, and then choose the "+" button as shown in the image


5. You will get 3 options. Choose Java and then select Cubot.jar from the download location


πŸŽ‰ Updates

  1. getScramble(int n) added; reverseAlg(String s) added; minor tweaks in Checker - 30.5.2021
  2. E(), S() added, updated Moves in moves - 31.5.2021
  3. Edash(), Sdash(), x(), y(), y'() + Optimized the big slice moves; solve(), stringalg(), reversealg() updated - 1.6.2021
  4. toString() improved to make it much easier to understand the cube-state ( check out the new output in Documentation ) - 2.6.2021
  5. Cube constructor updated ( Enter cube faces randomly now ) - 3.6.2021
  6. toString() bug fixed, pll() bug fixed- 11.6.2021
  7. 2x2 files added, 3x3 files made sep - 14.6.2021
  8. Merged src added, use single Cubot for both Cubes, Documentation and README updated - 15.6.2021
  9. cubeToString added for 2x2 - 22.6.2021
  10. cubeToString added to Cubot for both 2x2 and 3x3 - 25.6.2021
  11. wiki added for the repo, files updated, cubeToArr, toString, etc fixed - 28.6.2021
  12. documentation for 2x2 files done - 1.7.2021
  13. 2x2 solver added and documented - 2.7.2021
  14. 3x3 classes documented - 7.7.2021
  15. v2.0 published - 11.7.2021

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