🌟 aeiou (An Emotion Invigilator Only for You) is a web application that gamifies 💻 stress/anxiety/depression management in an actionable manner to provide peace of mind.
- The main focus of this web app is to not only make people aware of their emotions but also get them to take actions to take control of their emotions through a short game quiz where they can select a task which needs to be completed before the day ends.
- Users can create an account by registering their email ids;
- Users can play a small quiz game🎮 where they can accept a challenge based on their emotion and select a reward.
- After completion of the challenge, they can give themselves the reward🎉 earlier selected by them.
- Users can check their task status and event history.
- A streak🌟 will be maintained if user continues to complete at least one challenge per day.
- Our website is deployed at https://a-e-i-o-u.netlify.app/
Drop a ⭐ on the GitHub repository.
Download Git (when you install Git, Git Bash also gets installed by default)
Download and install a code/ text editor. - Recommended- - Download VS Code - Download Atom
Download Node Js and npm(Node package manager) (when you install Node, npm also gets installed by default)
Mongo DB community editition is free and a great software in order to work with MongoDB applications. Download Mongo DB community editition
Robo 3T is a desktop graphical user interface (GUI) for Mongo DB. It can help to skip running all the Mongo DB commands manually every time we want to access the data. Download Robo 3T (optional)
Clone the repository by running command
git clone https://github.com/<your user-name>/a.e.i.o.u.git
in your git bash.
Run command
cd a.e.i.o.u
. -
Again, run command
cd client
. -
Run this command to install all dependencies for the frontend of this project.
npm install
Now, run command
cd server
. -
Run this command to install all dependencies for the backend of this project.
npm install
Adding secret key for JWT auth.
- Run this command when inside the root directory to make a
touch .env
- Now add this to the
SECRET_KEY = your-secret-key URL = mongodb://localhost:27017/aeiouDB
- Run this command when inside the root directory to make a
Testing : Run this command on your terminal/ bash to start the Mongo server on port 27017(default).
- Run this command to start the project.
npm start
- Run this command to start the project as a developer.
npm run dev
- Open link to view the website in your browser window if it doesn't open automatically.
- Now you are all set to use this project.