A fully local and Dockerized quakejs server. Independent, unadulterated, and free from the middleman.
The goal of this project was to create a fully independent quakejs server in Docker that does not require content to be served from the internet. Hence, once pulled, this does not need to connect to any external provider, ie. content.quakejs.com. Nor does this server need to be proxied/served/relayed from quakejs.com
Simply pull the image treyyoder/quakejs
docker pull treyyoder/quakejs:latest
docker run -d --name quakejs -e HTTP_PORT=<HTTP_PORT> -p <HTTP_PORT>:80 -p 27960:27960 treyyoder/quakejs:latest
docker run -d --name quakejs -e HTTP_PORT=8080 -p 8080:80 -p 27960:27960 treyyoder/quakejs:latest
Send all you friends/coworkers the link: ex. http://localhost:8080 and start fragging ;)
Refer to quake3world for instructions on its usage.
version: '2'
container_name: quakejs
- HTTP_PORT=8080
- '8080:80'
- '27960:27960'
image: 'treyyoder/quakejs:latest'
Thanks to begleysm with his fork of quakejs to which this was derived, aswell as his thorough documentation