train, evaluate and deploy model using tf-estimator estimator_template.ipynb中,将estimator的使用过程进行了总结,在eatimator.ipynb中完全按照template中的步骤,进行demo,大家要仔细领会每一句话的意思, 然后您 就可以按照 estimator_template中的步骤 训练部署自己的model。 后续的话,如果有时间,我会将template封装成package,供大家 更方便使用deep learning
In estimator_template.ipynb , summarize the way how to use the estimator in tensorflow.
In eatimator.ipynb, demostrate the life-time of using estimator according to the steps in estimator_template.ipynb.
You can use estimator to train your custom model following the above steps(in estimator_template.ipynb) at free time
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