Releases: AlbertGallegoJimenez/SEATool
- Update the requirements.txt file.
- Create LICENSE file
- Time series plot display improved: values now centered on x-axis.
- Correction in SCE and NSM maps: SCE and NSM values in non-significant transects weren't displayed, which has no sense since the significance is only related to the LRR metric.
- Correction in seasonality plot: to handle the exception where there are no shorelines in a given month(s).
- Correction where there are transects with no intersections: An error was thrown if a transect with no intersections happened.
This new release includes:
- A correction with the colormap of LRR map when all the values are negative.
- Corrected a bug in the attributes of transects and shoreline IDs in the shoreline intersection output. The problem arose where there was at least one shoreline that intersected the same transect more than once.
This release includes many changes:
- Better documentation overall.
- Functions in are now encapsulated into a class.
- Creation of which is a PY file that holds several general purpose functions that are applied into various tools. This is aimed to avoid code repetition.
- General revision of the code fixing little things.
- The error when re-running the 2. Intersect... tool has been fixed! This has a dedicated issue that will be closed: #1 (comment)
- Update of requirements.txt to Arcpy 3.2.
- The input data in the usage example are now stored within the geodatabase, instead of being as SHP in a "data" folder.
- all the changes in the last commits
Mainly, minor changes in the aspect and certain details of the exported plots.
New functionality added: results are now stored into two XLSX files (the same data are present in the attribute tables of the Shoreline Intersection and Transects Feature Classes).
Modification of some plots in the dedicated tool.
Basemaps from the contextily package have been added to the map type plots (i.e. LRR, NSM and SCE).
The numbering of the "Plot Results" tool has been corrected (it used to say 5 and it is actually 4).
Correction of the Shoreline Evolution Analysis Toolbox.pyt file. The toolbox was not calling the new .py files related to the new plotting functionality.
This new release contains the following changes:
- Added new file "requirements.txt" which contains a list of Python packages used in the toolbox.
- In "" the symbology of the transects layer has been modified by coding some attributes of CIM object.
- NEW tool named "" with its own dependencies "" in utils folder. The main purpose of this new tool is plotting the results of the analysis. It creates a sub-folder where all plots are stored in PNG format.
- README updated.
Correction of a bug in the "Correct Transects" tool.
It has been identified that "Generate Transects Along Line" ArcGIS' geoprocess, which is used in the tool, may totally invert transects without an apparent reason. It has been coded a solution to handle these situations (by adding a new function within the TransectProcessor class object).
On the other hand, it has also been corrected the situation of the transects with angles near to 360-0 range that could lead to large differences between orientations when in fact, there are no such large differences.
First release of the tool. The toolbox is made of 4 tools:
1a. Generate Transects Along Baseline
1b. Correct Transects
2. Intersect Shorelines And Baseline With Transects
3. Perform The Analysis