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Firmware downgrade

Ben Hutchison edited this page May 19, 2023 · 1 revision

How to downgrade the firmware on a Kasa smart outlet using the python-kasa command-line program.

  1. Unblock the outlet in your firewall if you prevented it from phoning home.

  2. pip install python-kasa

  3. Get the download URL of the firmware file you want by searching the internet and praying someone posted it, such as
  4. Make the device download the firmware.

    $ kasa --host raw-command system download_firmware '{"url": ""}'
  5. Wait until the download is done, at which point the device will install it and reboot automatically.

    $ watch kasa --host raw-command system get_download_state
    {'status': 2, 'ratio': 100, 'reboot_time': 5, 'flash_time': 5}

    When the status goes back to 0, that probably means it finished installing and rebooting.

    {'status': 0, 'ratio': 0, 'reboot_time': 5, 'flash_time': 5}
  6. Verify the installed firmware version in the sw_ver field of the sysinfo object.

    $ kasa --host sysinfo
    == System info ==
    {'active_mode': 'none',
     'alias': 'Washing machine',
     'dev_name': 'Smart Wi-Fi Plug Mini',
     'deviceId': '8006A4705E7C7D4488F0EAE63F5238F11EDD0F03',
     'err_code': 0,
     'feature': 'TIM:ENE',
     'hwId': '51F7FD94AB9EFF012B93C4B41A44DB32',
     'hw_ver': '1.0',
     'icon_hash': '',
     'latitude_i': 373548,
     'led_off': 0,
     'longitude_i': -1219823,
     'mac': '10:27:F5:BC:8C:AF',
     'mic_type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH',
     'model': 'KP125(US)',
     'next_action': {'type': -1},
     'ntc_state': 0,
     'obd_src': 'tplink',
     'oemId': '39559FAFF2ECC2AA8A7A082C4E33B815',
     'on_time': 25,
     'relay_state': 1,
     'rssi': -41,
     'status': 'configured',
     'sw_ver': '1.0.8 Build 220130 Rel.174717',
     'updating': 0}
  7. Reapply the block in your firewall if you want to prevent the device from phoning home.

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