SMS implimentation to receive your Coinbase balance.
## Installing Coinbase and Libraries ```shell sudo pip install Coinbase ```
The code also has additional libaries, most of which will need to be installed. Extra libaries can be installed as such ```shell sudo pip install "library_name" ```
## Changing Variables
In original code for the Hackathon, we converted to MUR based off the dollar. To conver to any other currency, do your currency times conversion rate of other currency.
<img src = "images/api.png" alt="api" width"300"/>
Change the api key linked to the coinbase wallet to your api wallet key.
Here you link your number and email. Realize your service providor may be different when sending a message to an email account. ## Usage Currently the program only works if you run it off terminal and leave it looping. While it loops, if you send a text message to your email, you will recieve your account balance back.