ReadyTalk Intern Project summer 2016
Recaptain is a bot build for Slack, a cloud-based team collaboration software tool. Recaptain is used to summarize the chat log in a public channel in the team. A user would install the Recaptain bot, then message Recaptain to request a summary of a desired chanel. Recaptain will respond with key messages from the conversation that are marked at a higher importance. A message becomes important from a message analyzer library called Watson.
node v6.2.2
Generate a unique token for the bot on slack: Bots -> Bot Username -> Add Bot Integration Copy the API Token from the Integration settings
from root dir, run: 'token=... node app.js'
token=... npm start
docker build -f Dockerfile-prod -t "recapitan-prod" .
docker run recapitan-prod --env=TOKEN=....
Once Recaptain is in the slack team, simple 'Direct Message' the bot. The avaliable commands are: help recap recap #channel_name1 #channel_name2 ...