This docker image has PHP7, PHP-FPM and Pagespeed enabled Nginx
PHP7, PHP-FPM, PHP-ZIP, PHP-MYSQLI, PHP-GD, Pagespeed enabled Nginx in supervisord.
It also installs New Relic PHP agent. In order to enable it you need to set the following variables:
NR_ENABLED Enable newrelic-daemon on container startup.
NR_APP_NAME Your New Relic APM name.
NR_LICENSE_KEY Your New Relic License key. It can be found in your Account Settings menu in New Relic user panel.
Same as light flavor but also has the following Alpine packages:
- gnupg
- nodejs
- nodejs-npm
- git
- unzip
- bash
- make
- gcc
- g++
- libc-dev
- jpeg-dev
It also installs PHP Composer.
It does not installs New Relic PHP agent.