<<<<<<< HEAD
- Implement naive learners such as SVM, Random Forest, etc so we'll be able to compare them with our crazy DL algo
- Implement One Class SVM
- document feature pre-processing
- Implement RNN, CNN, and maybe DBN if we have the time
- Prepare slides for Wednesday?
- Feel free to add or modify
- https://github.com/AlexPiche/Seizure-Prediction/blob/master/Articles/Howbert2014.pdf
- https://github.com/MichaelHills/seizure-prediction
- https://irakorshunova.github.io/2014/11/27/seizures/
- https://github.com/AlexPiche/Seizure-Prediction/blob/master/Articles/Mirowski2009.pdf
- python testRNN.py
- can modify the type of architecture if you import RNN from RNN2layers or RNN3layers
- can modify the number of hidden units in the files RNN2layers and RNN3layers.
- https://github.com/craffel/Lasagne-tutorial
- http://www.wildml.com/2015/09/recurrent-neural-networks-tutorial-part-1-introduction-to-rnns/
- https://gist.github.com/justiceamoh/abe5efeff1fa8277febb
- https://github.com/AlexPiche/Seizure-Prediction/blob/master/Articles/Wulsin2010.pdf
- https://github.com/AlexPiche/Seizure-Prediction/blob/master/Articles/Turner2014.pdf