This is a command-line tool that uses the SumoLogic API to generate a PNG or PDF report of one or more dashboards. It uses a forked version of the SumoLogic Python SDK that I have updated to support the dashboard snapshots feature. If you would like to work off this project, you will need the include the alternate library located in /lib/sumologic.
First, download the latest release. To generate a report, you must edit the configuration file which is located in /sumotool/config.ini. See the section below on how to edit. * Once you have setup your config file, you can run sumotool.exe and it will produce a snapshot of your specified dashboard and will save it into /reports/.
NOTE: The config file is CASE SENSITIVE!
The first header is where you will put your API access ID and access key:
version = 1.2
accessKey = YOUR_KEY_HERE
The second and following headers are where you will put your jobs:
- The name has to be in the format of [REPORT_NUMBER] starting with zero.
- Each report has to be in sequential order.
- You can have as many reports as you want.
name = My_Panel
- Name of the panel. This is what will be used to generate the name of the report.
- Do not use any restricted file name characters ('/', '', ':', etc)
- ID of the dashboard to generate the report for.
actionType = DirectDownloadReportAction
- Type of action to be done. Currently only one action type is supported.
exportFormat = Png
- Specifices the export format of the report:
- PDF appears broken on API side, just use PNG for now.
- PDF -> Pdf
- PNG -> Png
timezone = America/New_York
- Specifies the timezone present on the dashboard report.
- Uses IANA Format.
template = DashboardTemplate
- Specifices the template type that will be used:
- Default -> DashboardTemplate
- Printer-Friendly -> DashboardReportModeTemplate