A central repository to hold the definition and patch files that enable ibek to build EPICS support modules inside of a container.
This repository should be included into every epics-containers generic IOC as a folder called <repo root>/ibek-defs.
The best way to achieve this is demonstrated in https://github.com/epics-containers/ioc-template. This uses a git submodule to pull ibek-defs and lock in the version that was last used. This is then copied into the container in a Dockerfile step.
TODO: this explanation could do with tidying up and I'm not sure it belongs here anyway. perhaps move this to the epics-containers workflow documentation and reference from here.
When A generic IOC is building it passes a ibek modules file "<generic ioc name>.ibek.modules.yaml. This will contain references to the support modules that the IOC depends upon and may also include a patch script file for each of those support modules.
This repo supports generic IOCs as follows:-
at IOC build time it provides a patch file script that makes any changes to the support source required to build it in the container. This is most likely involves creating a release/CONFIG_SITE.xxx file.
at run time it provides a definition file per support module which allows the IOC to specify how it uses that support. This file will be name "<support module name>.ibek.def.yaml. The set of definition files are read by ibek in order to interpret the IOC instance yaml file and build an individual IOC's startup script.