Whole code is written in pure Python 🐍. Moreover, as a beginner myself, new developers and contribtors can easily go through the code to understand the logic behind the program. I tried to include as much as comments and documentations within the code itself. Feel free to ping me for any updates. This program has a lot of scope for improvement ✨. Development best-suited for new developers and programmers, this simple program provides a stage for immense develpoment of one's skill, expertise and familiarity of Python programming language 🐍.
Currently the program supports 'Addition ➕', 'Subtraction ➖', 'Multiplication ✖️' and 'Division ➗'. Check Tasks List issues pending on feature-requests. Check Contribution for more details to get started on developing the program.
- Refactor
source.pysource code. - Add 'Copy' functionality, to copy the result. Currently 'Copy' button does not do anything.
- Dynamic font size in result label.
- Bind 'Number-pad' keys to enter input.
- Option to switch between 'Simple' to 'Advanced' mode. Advanced mode should have more funtionalities.
Clone this repository from Github. Then create a virtual-environment and install the dependencies.
git clone https://github.com/maddypie/Pymanujan.git
git checkout dev
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
All are welcome 🙏 to contribute to this project. Start from going through the source.py
which has good amount comments and documentation along the code. Currently the focus is on improving the GUI. Create an Issue and start a discussion before working on a seperate Fork, collabaration always results in better ideas!
Goal ⚽ towards your contribution should always be to improve expertise on Python 🐍.
Though a calculator app is no path-breaking project to work on, it gives confidence to a new-devloper the abilty to build something from scratch.
For 'Copy' button to work as intended, make sure xclip
is installed.
Distribution | Installation command |
Debian | sudo apt install xclip |
Fedora based distro | dnf install xclip |
CentOS based distro | yum install xclip |
OpenSUSE based distro | zypper install xclip |