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Hi , I'm Allan Kanyemba

I am a full-stack-engineer with bias towards geospatial systems. I like to Code, Design, Innovate and Experiment. I am an enthusiastic and a social person who loves to take up new challenges and learn new skills. I love meeting new people, exchanging ideas and spreading knowledge and positivity.

Allan Kayz

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Allan Kayz

🛠️ My Skills

👉🏾 Programming languages

JavaScript Python PHP

👉🏾 Frontend Development

HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap Angular

👉🏾 Databases & Cloud Hosting


👉🏾 Graphic Designing

Adobe Photoshop Canva Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe XD

👉🏾 Software & Tools

AdobeCodePenGitWindowsVisual Studio CodeStack Overflow

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Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.

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🙋🏿‍♂️ Let's Connect

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