This repository contains two different CNN image classifiers trained using two different architectures. The first model is trained on the All-CNN architecture, which achieves 90% accuracy using the Keras framework. The second model is trained on the LeNet-5 architecture, which achieves 74% accuracy using PyTorch.
This model is motivated by the "Striving for Simplicity - All Convolution Net" paper. The paper achieves 95.6% accuracy using the All-CNN architecture. My model (YGNet) has a few changes in the architecture compared to the All-CNN architecture used in the paper. I've used max-pooling instead of making it a fully convolutional network. The total number of trainable parameters remains the same, i.e., ~1.3M. The changes in my architecture were made on purpose to understand the effect and importance of certain layers in the convolutional neural network.
The source code allows training the model from scratch. Also, the pre-trained model is present in this repo which generates 90% accuracy. The steps to build the source code are as follows:
$ git clone git@
$ cd project_airdale
$ python3 train
This will train the model from scratch. The hyper-parameters can be tweaked as required. To load the pre-trained model:
$ cd project_airdale
$ python3 load
The accuracy-epoch performance curve after running for 200 epochs
The loss-epoch performance curve after running for 200 epochs
LeNet-5 is a basic architecture that performs moderately well on the CIFAR-10 dataset. LeNet-5 has around ~395k learnable parameters. My model achieved 74% accuracy using PyTorch. This model is trained on Google Colab.