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Building and Running Devil Ray on LLNL HPC Systems

Cyrus Harrison edited this page Nov 8, 2019 · 8 revisions

Run these on Pascal with OpenMP:

git clone --recursive  ssh://[email protected]:7999/vis/devil_ray.git
# if this fails, you may need to setup ssh keys -- ask us for help on process
cd devil_ray
# make a directory to build in
mkdir build && cd build
# get newer cmake
module load cmake
# ask for a batch node
salloc -N 1
# (wait for job to be allocated)
# configure our build with pre-built dependencies openmp variant
cmake -C /usr/workspace/wsb/hmc_19/tpls/pascal_openmp/[email protected] ../src
# build
# run tests (some may fail!)
make test

To enable logging and stats use the following during the cmake configure:

cmake -DENABLE_LOGGING=ON -DENABLE_STATS=ON -C /usr/workspace/wsb/hmc_19/tpls/pascal_openmp/[email protected] ../src

Interactive allocation using vis partition on Pascal:

salloc -N 1 -t 200 -ppvis

Run these on Pascal with CUDA:

cd devil_ray
# make a directory to build in
mkdir build-cuda && cd build-cuda
# get newer cmake
module load cmake
# get cuda tools in env
module load cuda
# ask for a batch node
salloc -N 1
# (wait for job to be allocated)
# configure our build with pre-built dependencies cuda variant
cmake -C /usr/workspace/wsb/hmc_19/tpls/pascal_cuda/[email protected] ../src
# build
# run tests (some may fail!)
make test
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