This package implements a interface in Julia to the taylor tool created by Àngel Jorba and contributors. taylor translates movement equations given in a text file to highly efficient C code, also allowing the integration of arbitrary degree jet transport. Its features include:
- parallelisable code (using OpenMP)
- flexibility in number type (double, complex, MPFR, user-defined...)
For more information, see here.
At the moment, TaylorInterface supports jet transport for one variable or one symbol, and doesn't support parallelisation of the C code or changing the number type from double. As taylor currently only works on Linux systems, so does TaylorInterface.
This package is still in development; feel free to contact me for any questions, suggestions or remarks!
You can simply install this package from the Julia REPL, using Pkg. Run Julia, enter ]
to enter the package manager, and then:
julia> ]
(v1.10) pkg> add TaylorInterface
Otherwise, you can run
import Pkg
You also need the taylor tool installed to use this package. You can find it here (latest version) or install it by running:
curl -sS | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/taylor.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/taylor.gpg] focal main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/taylor.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install taylor
This package introduces two structures: TaylorGenerator
generates a directory containing the files corresponding to a given equation file, and TaylorHandler
opens the library thus generated and serves as an interface to access its functions.
First, you need an equation file, which looks like this (for more information, see the taylor manual):
const1 = 3.14;
const2 = 42.;
var1 = 2*x + const1;
diff(x, t) = px;
diff(px, t) = var1 + const2 * x * x;
jet x, px symbols 2 deg 1;
Let's save this in a file, namely eqs.txt
. Now, we create a TaylorGenerator
and generate a directory:
using TaylorInterface
generator = TaylorGenerator("eqs.txt")
This will create a directory, copy the equation file in it, call taylor on this file, wrap the generated C files with some convenience functions, and compile them in a
file in the directory. By default, the directory sits in the current directory, and is named taylor_[RANDOM_STRING]
, but you can change both parameters with parent_path
and name
Now, to open the generated library, we get a TaylorHandler
handler = get_handler(generator, false)
If you have the TaylorGenerator
corresponding to the directory you want to open, you can use get_handler
as we just did. Otherwise, you need the path to the directory stored in a string; if this string is stored in path
, then you can use
handler = TaylorHandler(path)
To open the library, we use
Now, the loaded library is in handler.lib
, and a dictionary to some of its functions is stored in handler.symbols
. For instance, let's call the Poincaré map for our above example, and for a duration of 1.
in = [0., 1.]
out = zero(in)
jacobian = zeros(4)
(Cdouble, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}, Ptr{Cdouble}),
1., out, in, jacobian
reshape(jacobian, (2, 2))
And finally, we can close our library:
If we don't need the directory anymore, we can delete it:
TaylorInterface.clear_dir(handler) # TaylorInterface.clear_dir(generator) also works
We propose some default models that come with the package; you can get them with
At the moment, we propose:
, the restricted three-body problem for the Sun+Earth system, in synodic (co-rotating) coordinates, assuming circular motionbcp_sun_earth_jupiter
, where we add a perturbation from a planet in circular motion either Jupiter or Venus (the model is called bicircular)rpb_SE_nojet
, the same problem as the first, but whereas for the three other cases we computed first-order variational equations, here we remove jet transport for speed.
Note that you will need to compile the model with compile_eqs(handler)
in order to use it.