Extracting metrics like heart rate, spo2, respiration rate, etc from images of monitors
- Extract the zip file named "example_name.zip" to your desired location
- Create a folder named "*input", inside the "*inter_iit_main_folder folder", and load all the test images in this folder
- Run all the cells of the "final_submission.ipynb" notebook to load all the necessary models and other dependencies.
- The "*inference" function is present inside the "*final_submission.ipynb" notebook itself , which accepts an image path string as its only input.
- Inside "*final_submission.ipynb" run the cells under the title - "*Testing" to get all the outputs.
- The following example illustrates the output of the "inference" function: {"HR":"88", "SPO2":"98", "RR":"15", "SBP":"126"} Note: If DBP and MBP are not there in the output dictionary , they are missing
- The "create_graph_from_image" digitizes the HR graph and displays it as a
If we get "/" in our BP results, then we have split it into SBP and DBP. If not, then we have kept the output as BP.
- Loading the OCR Model
- Loading the Segmentation and monitor-layout wise classification models.
- Loading the Yolo object detection models for respective monitor layout types.
- The screen_from_segmentation function takes in the original image as input and returns the warped monitor screen image as output.
- The identify_screen_type function uses the classificaiton model to classify the monitor screen image into the monitor type.
- The create_graph_from_image function converts the graph image to digitzed output.
- The detect_ocr function identifies characters from the objects detected by the yolo object detection model and labels them into their categories.
- The predict function takes the yolo models and image and provides with the bounding box outputs.
- The inference function implements the entire pipeline.