A simple Snake game implemented in Python using the Pygame library.
Python 3
Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/Aman0307/Snake_Game_Python.git
Navigate to the project directory: cd REPO_NAME
Install the required dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the game: python snake.py
Use the arrow keys to control the snake's movement
The player's score increases by 1 points for each apple the snake eats and also the length of snake increases by 1 unit.
The game ends if the snake collides with the walls of the screen or with itself.
The final score is displayed on the screen before the game quits.
The user can restart the game by pressing ENTER or quit the game by pressing ESC.
The screen size, snake speed, and block size can be adjusted by modifying the corresponding variables in the snake.py file.
The snake and food images can be replaced by placing new image files in the project directory and updating the file names in the snake.py file.