Create mollie payments in scala
Make sure to check out:
Currently scala-mollie-payments
is available Sonatype Snapshots:
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at ""
libraryDependencies += "com.github.amazingdreams" %% "scala-mollie-payments" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
You can find your api keys on the mollie dashboard. Also make sure you are not mixing up testMode and the api key!
import com.github.amazingdreams.mollie.MollieClient
val mollieClient = new MollieClient(
apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY",
testMode = true
This will redirect the user to mollie's pages, where they can select the payment method and enter details.
import com.github.amazingdreams.mollie.requests.CreatePaymentRequest
amount = 10d,
description = "test",
redirectUrl = "",
webhookUrl = ""
)).map { createPaymentResult => {
errors => println(errors),
payment => println(payment)
This creates a new customer. The customer can be used to e.g. automatically create payments and have them be paid immediately. Please refer to the documentation:
name = Some("MR. Test"),
email = Some("[email protected]")
)).map { createCustomerResult => {
errors => println(errors),
customer => println(customer)