A home-library inventory and shelving utility app
(Lower volume before playing demo, just in case)
##Features/Technologies Used
- UITabView (UIKit)
- ISBN/Barcode Scanner (AVFoundation, MTBScanner pod)
- Google API Client (AFNetworking/Google API/Google iOS SDK)
- Persistent Book Collections (Core Data, Fetched Results Controller)
- Scanning batches: a "History" tableview like Amazon's.
- Polish the UI:
- Use my newfound Sketch skills to import a cool UI template.
- Ideally, get it to look like a bookcase.
- T: Need beautiful colors
- T: Genres should be displayed
- T: Cells shouldn't overlap decorationView. (estimatedItemSize --> itemSize ?)
- T: cell background NOT red. (Done)
- T: Implement Scroll DirectionLock. (SO)
- T: PhotoBombers-style interactivity.
- T: DecorationView is cut off at the far end.
- F: Torchbutton is blocked.
- T: Make buttons pretty and UI compliant.
- T: Colors need theme. ([UIButton appearance])
- F: Cells have no images.
- F: DecorationView textfield collision (estimatedItemSize --> itemSize)
- F: Just look pretty, for now, implement it later.
####Solved Problems
- F: SearchBar Crashes
- F: didSelectCellAtRow crashes
- T: Layout switcher: junk or fix (conditional logic?).
##Version 1.1
- Acknowledgments page.
- Settings page.
- Add custom bookcases.
- Multiple, custom Libraries.
- Drag and Drop functionality.
##Version 1.2 WORKS!