This is a python project which colors black and white images
To get the program running you need kivy and opencv module and python( version 3.9 and above).
You also need to download modle and past in the modles folder ( see readme file in modles folder) and paste all the files in the same folder and enjoy.
You can select the images from the drop down menu, by default it openes your C:\ directory.
After selecting the image you can hit Colorize butoon and the image will be colorize. It takes generaly 2 seconds to colorize the image.
You can also use the saturation, brightness and contrast slider to edit the image to your liking.
There are also different themes you can select because why not.
There are some known issues such as the sliders are way too sensitive and drastic.
Reset button dosen't rest the cached colorized image in the program.
It crashes sometimes for no reason. Somethimes it happens due to not supported image formats.
Thank you.