- Install dependencies
composer install
- Fetch a Github Token : https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?description=PrestHubot&scopes=repo,read:org
You can using parameters :
You can use .env file :
- Copy .env.dist to .env
- Define your token & username from Github
Permits to check PrestaShop PR (and their status)
php bin/console github:check:pr
Parameter | Required | Notes |
--ghtoken=<ghtoken> |
Yes/No | Use it or use .env |
--request=<request> |
No | Use the title of a search request or create your specific request |
--exclude:author=<ghusername> |
No | Exclude for displaying PR created by |
--exclude:reviewer=<ghusername> |
No | Exclude for displaying PR approved by |
--filter:file=<ext> |
No | Filter on extensions file (one or many separated by comma) |
--filter:numapproved=<ext> |
No | Filter on number of approved reviews (one or many separated by comma) |
--orderBy=<order> |
No | Order by columns (one or many separated by comma : projectName, id, createdAt) |
- Fetch PR to review with 1 or 2 approved reviews, excluding Progi1984's PR and PR that Progi1984 has approved
php bin/console github:check:pr --request "PR Waiting for Review" --filter:numapproved=2,1 --exclude:reviewer=Progi1984 --exclude:author=Progi1984
Permits to check PrestaShop Modules
php bin/console github:check:module
Parameter | Required | Notes |
--ghtoken=<ghtoken> |
Yes/No | Use it or use .env |
--limit=<offset,length> |
Yes/No | Limit search (from offset and length of all repositories) |
--module=<module> |
No | Filter only one module |
--branch=<branch> |
No | Branch for searching files (default: master) |
Column | Notes | |
Files | .travis.yml | Check if .travis.yml is present Check if before_deploy & deploy are present in the file |
Permits to check PrestaShop Repositories
php bin/console github:check:repository
Parameter | Required | Notes |
--ghtoken=<ghtoken> |
Yes/No | Use it or use .env |
--public |
No | Filter only on public repositories |
--private |
No | Filter only on private repositories |
Get Github Notifications
php bin/console github:notifications
Parameter | Required | Notes |
--ghtoken=<ghtoken> |
Yes/No | Use it or use .env |
Get some stats
php bin/console github:stats
Parameter | Required | Notes |
--ghtoken=<ghtoken> |
Yes/No | Use it or use .env |
--username=<ghusername> |
Yes/No | Use it or use .env |
Get some stats
php bin/console github:stats:repository
Parameter | Required | Notes |
--ghtoken=<ghtoken> |
Yes/No | Use it or use .env |
--repository=<repository> |
No | Just a repository in PS Organization or all the org if it is not defined |
--pr:date:created=<date> |
No | Filter on creation date for PR |
--pr:date:merged=<date> |
No | Filter on merge date for PR |
Permits to track all issues created in the last month (4 weeks) for the PrestaShop project
php bin/console github:issues:report
Parameter | Required | Notes |
--ghtoken=<ghtoken> |
Yes/No | Use it or use .env |
--dateStart=<dateStart> |
Yes | Format date: yyyy-mm-dd |
--dateEnd=<dateEnd> |
No | Format date: yyyy-mm-dd )` (default: dateStart + 28 days) |
--outputDir=<outputDir> |
No | Output directory (default: var/report ) |
Permits to track all reviews
php bin/console github:review:report
Parameter | Required | Notes |
--ghtoken=<ghtoken> |
Yes/No | Use it or use .env |
--dateStart=<dateStart> |
Yes | Format date: yyyy-mm-dd |
--dateEnd=<dateEnd> |
No | Format date: yyyy-mm-dd )` (default: today) |
`--byDate=<0 | 1>` | No |
php bin/console github:contributors:export --contributorsFile contributors.csv --outputFile output.csv
Parameter | Required | Notes |
--ghtoken=<ghtoken> |
Yes/No | Use it or use .env |
--contributorsFile=<contributorsFile> |
Yes | Contributors file |
--outputFile=<outputFile> |
Yes | Output file |
php bin/console github:contributors:stats --contributorsFile contributors.csv --outputFile output.csv
Parameter | Required | Notes |
--ghtoken=<ghtoken> |
Yes/No | Use it or use .env |
--contributorsFile=<contributorsFile> |
Yes | Contributors file |
--outputFile=<outputFile> |
Yes | Output file |
Notify on Slack :
- Nightly Build Status
- If PR are needed to merge
- PR to review
- Modules releases
- Modules improvements
php bin/console slack:notifier:core
Parameter | Required | Notes |
--ghtoken=<ghtoken> |
Yes/No | Use it or use .env |
--slacktoken=<slacktoken> |
Yes/No | Use it or use .env |
--slackchannel=<slackchannel> |
Yes/No | Use it or use .env |
Notify on Slack :
- Nightly Build Status
php bin/console slack:notifier:qa
Parameter | Required | Notes |
--ghtoken=<ghtoken> |
Yes/No | Use it or use .env |
--slacktoken=<slacktoken> |
Yes/No | Use it or use .env |
--slackchannel=<slackchannel> |
Yes/No | Use it or use .env |
Generate the list of resolved issues in a milestone
php bin/console github:release:note
Type | Name | Required | Notes | Default |
Argument | milestone | No | milestone selected for search | none |
Option | output | No | output between 'table' or 'markdown' | table |
Option | repository | No | repository to explore | PrestaShop |
Note that if the milestone is not defined, It will be asked to the user.
php bin/console github:release:note --repository=PrestaShop --output=table
php bin/console github:release:note --repository=PrestaShop
php bin/console github:release:note --output=table
php bin/console github:release:note
│ Issues involved in the milestone (3) │
│ Issue N° │ url │ Title │
│ 26623 │ https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/26623 │ Release │
│ 26327 │ https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/26327 │ Wishlist button disappears while using Faceted Search │
│ 23394 │ https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/23394 │ Missing Alias CustomerQueryBuilder.php │
Output generated in 0s for 3 rows.
php bin/console github:release:note --output=markdown
php bin/console github:release:note --repository=PrestaShop --output=markdown
Issues involved in the milestone
- [Release](https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/26623)
- [Wishlist button disappears while using Faceted Search](https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/26327)
- [Missing Alias CustomerQueryBuilder.php](https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/23394)
Output generated in 0s for 3 rows.
Get Commands and Queries developed as CQRS endpoints
php bin/console github:cqrs:endpoints
Parameter | Required | Notes |
--ghtoken=<ghtoken> |
Yes/No | Use it or use .env |