OsloMet brukernavn: [email protected]
GitHub brukernavn: Capt-Obv
Github repo URL: https://github.com/Capt-Obv/DATA1700-Oblig1.git
Fullt navn: Solveig Andrea Devold Fjeld
Kort beskrivelse av applikasjon (5-10 setninger): I have two global variables one array of billetter and one that checks for if input validation have gone wrong. Everytime the 'Kjøp Billett' button is pressed the error messages resets so that old error messages are removed, if necessary. I so get all the input query's, send them to the validation function to check if the input is valid. I use regExp to validate the phone number and email. If the input is wrong it prints an error message by the input box, set the error variable to true so that when the function check if error is true the function returns. If it is no error then the error messages resets and a new billett object is made and pushed to the global array. If it is the first element in the array, then the table head is shown using the $('#id').show() function, and add a new row to the table using the newRow() function. The newRow() function makes a string that are the same as a row of a table in HTML and append it to the tbody of the table. The remove function remove every row of the table, hide the table head and resets the array. Since we use javascript it is probably thousands solutions, but i feel my solutions is good enough.