Credit X - project that uses kafka, springboot, spring cloud stream and React for interest Risk managment.
This repository is only for demonstrative purpose, is simple CRUD with spring boot as Backend and React consuming the api service.
Tools that need for running this project:
- For running containers of Kafka and Postgre
- Docker
- Docker-compose
- For running the java application in spring boot
- Maven
- Java 8
- For the frontend:
- Node
- Npm
Go to docker folder, and run docker-compose up
- Go to the folder microservices and run mvn install
- Go to the customer-service folder and mvn spring-boot:run, this will spring in dev mod, for running in prd mode use mvn spring-boot:run -Pprod
- Go to the risk-managment-service folder and mvn spring-boot:run, this will spring in dev mod, for running in prd mode use mvn spring-boot:run -Pprod
- Go to the folder frontend and run npm install or yarn if you have.
- To run the project use npm run start for dev mode
- If you want to build the bundle.js use npm run prod
- Test not implemented yet
- Go to localhost:3000 to use the interface