In this I will try to cover basics of python which is required for Data Science.
- Python is a very general purpose programming language, which means it has wide variety of applications.
- It can be used in web development, Mobile Applications, Machine Learning, Data Mining etc.
- If you ask any person who knows python all of them will tell that its the easiest language to learn and code.
- You can code in python like writing steps in english or any language.
- Its very to easy to interpret.
- Line of codes require to run a program is less compare to other programming languages. This we can encounter below when we run our 1st program
1st Program in Python - Hello World
Python is Case Sensitive means Print and print have different meaning in python. So If i write Z=1 and z=2 it will not overide the variables but store two different values in each.
- Variable is used to store values in python.
- Syntax : Variable_name = "Value". = is used an assignment operator.
- Variable names can consist of any characters or alphabets. They can have alphanumeric or special characters in them.
- Variable names cannot start with number or special characters except the _ (Underscore).
- Try to keep variables in plain and simple language so its easy to understand what values they represent.
- Avoid using variables which are similar to the attributes or function in the in-built libraries.
- Arithmetic Operators (For Basic calculation Purpose)
- '*' --> Multiplication
- '/'--> Division
- '+' --> Addition
- '-'-- > Subtraction
- '%' --> Modulous
- Comparison Operator (For Comparing two variables and constants)
- Less than '<'
- greater than '>'
- Equal to '=='
- Less than or equal to '<='
- Greater than or equal to '>='
- Not equal to '!='
- Logical Operator (Used for Logical conditions)
- And
- Or
- Not
- Bitwise Operator (Used to compare binary numbers i.e numbers which are represented in 0 and 1)
- Bitwise And '&' - Set each bit to 1 if both bits are 1 eg: 1001 & 1010 will give --> 1000
- Bitwise OR '|' - Set each bit to 1 if one of the bits is 1 eg: 1001 | 1010 will give --> 1011
- Bitwise XOR '^' - Set each bit to 1 if only one of the bits is 1 eg: 1001 ^ 1010 will give --> 0011
- Left shift '<<' - shift left by inserting zeroes from left and right most digit is removed eg: 1001 **<<**2 will give --> 0010
- Right shift '>>' - shift rigth by inserting zeroes from right and left most digit is removed eg: 1011 **>>**2 will give --> 1100
- Identity Operator (For checking the identity of constants and variables)
- is - returns true if the objects are similar
- is not - returns true if the objects are not similar
- Membership Operator (For finding relations between two variables)
- in - Returns true if the value is present in the object
- not in - Returns true if the value is not present in the object
The most important thing in any code is data types. These are objects used to store some kind of information.
Each data types can store only certain type of data.
Basic Types of Data
- int - This data type is used to store only numerical or Integers and non decimal values
- Float - This data type is used to store only Decimal or floating values.
- Bool - This data type is used to store only Boolean data (true or false)
- Str - This data type is used to store only Strings which can be alphanumeric and consist of any special characters.
- complex - Numbers with real and imaginary part such as 3+2j where j is square root of -1
type("xxx") is used to get the information about type of data for that particular object
- This repository covers the basic of pythons now we will level up a little and explore more in depth of python.
- Below are the list of other respository for learning each concept
- Data Structures
- Conditional Statements
- Functions