Click here to see for yourself
Installing Bun (the front-end package manager):
- Install dependencies(only need to run once) :
bun install
- Run for development:
bun run dev
- Build for production:
bun build
Fork frontend and you can easily deploy it for free in Cloudflare Page, Vercel and etc.
Installing Docker and Docker-compose
- modify your configration in
file if needed - copy the
, modify in.env
- docker-compose up
Installing peotry (the back-end package manager for python):
- copy the
, modify in.env
- Install dependencies(only need to run once) :
poetry install
- Install and run both postgresDB and rabbitMQ
- In one shell to run Django Server:
./ runserver
- In another new shell to run celery server:
celery -A uptimemonitor worker --loglevel=INFO
- In another new shell to run celery-beat:
celery -A uptimemonitor beat -l info --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler
- a uptime dashboard (Django-backend + NextJS-frontend(Client-Side-Render) in TypeScript
- notify user when server is down and when server is restored
- support system services (smb, shairport)
- docker container monitoring
- database(postgres) monitoring
- periodic checks
- notification via email, bark, telegram
- web dashboard