Table of Contents
This web application was built with the intent of introducing gamers and non-gamers to the world of fighting games. It provides information about some of the most popular games in the genre, with the intent of adding even more features!
The project specs can be found here.
- Please visit the deployed site
This project was completed on a timeline of roughly five days. It was to demonstrate our learning thus far, as well as creating an application on a tight timeline. I learned a lot about adhering to a well thought out MVP (minimal viable product) and making decisions on which features pursue vs. which to revisit later.
- Viewing a display of 20 unique fighting games
- Ability to click a game to view more information
- Intuative search feature
- It was a good feeling to plan this app, then see it come together on a reduced timeline. It was nice to see the data fetched from the api render the way that I wanted. The search functionality was a big win as well.
- The search functionality and results display took a few itereations, but I was able to get it working the way I envisioned. Also, working with the fetched data took some exploring, but it came together nicely.
- Responsiveness for a better viewing experience
- Video clips for each game
- Screenshots for each game
- Tournament information for individual games
- More games to view
- Add a fighting game terminology section