Prédiction des vainqueurs dans chaque circonscription aux élections législatives grâce à la popularité des tweets et leurs états civils.
- cd docker/
- docker compose build
- docker compose up -d
- docker compose run python bash
Launch a python script:
- python 3
The containeur has to run:
cd docker/
docker compose build
docker compose up -d
docker compose run python bash
go to http://localhost:15433/
use email and password as in env file
Add a new serveur
fill in the information with the env file
Retrieve IP Adress:
- docker ps: copy id of postgresql container
- docker inspect id_container | grep IPAddress
The containeur has to run:
- cd docker/
- docker compose build
- docker compose up -d
- docker compose run jupyter bash enter electweet as password
If password or token is asked: run this command inside jupyter container :
- jupyter server list
- get token after "="
- change password as requested if needed
Have fun! and 🍺