A Discord Bot made with <3 by Antostarwars for StarCreations
List of all the features in the Bot
- Ticket System
- Dropdown Menu for Categories
- Ticket Logs and Transcript
- Close command with Reason
- Close button
- Affiliation System
- Affiliate Code
- Affiliate Earnings
- User Profile
- Command to lookup for a specific user
- Giveaway System
- Start Giveaway
- Reroll
- End Giveaway
- Members with a specific role will have 2x entry (More possibility to win)
- Blacklist System
- Remove Access to all Bot features
- Remove permission to write/join Channels (Text and Voice)
You can request a new feature using this two methods:
Suggestions Channel in StarCreations Discord Server
Email at hello@antostarwars,xyz
- Install Java 17 JDK and Docker Engine
sudo apt install openjdk-17
sudo apt install docker
- Clone this repo
git clone <Link of this repo>
- Edit .env file (Check .env.example)
nano .env
- Go in the Directory of the Project and run the docker compose
cd StarCreationsUtils
docker compose up -d Discord-Bot # -d will start the container in background
Amazing! Now you'll have your discord bot hosted!
- Json
- MongoDB
Discord Gateway:
- JDA (Java Discord API)
Programming Language:
- Java
Hosting Solution:
- Docker
- Docker Compose