Create a Full-Stack Web Application for a CoffeeShop that has following functionalities:
- User signup: Register a new user to the system.
- Check the new username or email address if it’s already registered to the system using AJAX.
- Form validation: Check if all mandatory fields are filled out.
- Check if password is strong enough. Define the rules of having a strong password. User passwords should be hashed and hashed version of passwords should be stored in the database.
User login.
Session Management.
CRUD operations
- A Database item should be associated with an image.
- Create items (Admin only) – Adding new items to the inventory.
- Read items – Fetch records from database in the form of XML/JSON and render them on page.
- Update items – Update the stock count based on transac6ons and admin should have the ability to modify the descrip6on and value of an item.
- Delete items (Admin only) – Dele6ng an item from the inventory.
- Search and Filter capabili6es.
- Responsive application that adapts to various devices and screen sizes.
- Add items to cart as you browse and checkout at the end
- Sequelize,
- NodeJS,
- Express
- JavaScript
- Clone the project into your local system.
cd CoffeeShop
- Execute
npm install
. // This will install all the required dependencies into your machine. - Execute
npm start
to start the app. This will hot-reload changes to the backend and frontend files.
Connect to DB and create models
Fetch data from DB (SELECT queries)
Controller files - execute business logic
3.1. Users - user.create(), user.fetch(), //need cart_ID, admin info user.login(), session management - TBD
3.2. Product - product.create(), product.update(), product.delete(), .fetch(), .search(),
3.3. Cart - .create(),//incrementing cart_ID for new cart or to add new product .fetch(), //status of cart .update() //to update quantity,
3.4. Orders - .create(), .fetch()
Route handlers to be mapped to the methods defined in 3.
Define end points in Express app.js
Frontend //TBD//
- Connect to DB and create models
Karan 2. Fetch data from DB (SELECT queries) 3. Controller files - execute business logic
Karthik: Working on User and Cart functionalites and passport authentication.
Shashwat: Added routes for orders, products and cart. (check required)
Pending: Session management navbar
Data fetch: Individual Product: /:id All past orders: /bycustomer/
Anusha - User Cart: /active/:**
Karthik - User Profile: /:id
Karthik - Admin: add, update, delete
Shashwat - Search - /search/product/:name ; /search/category/:name** OR Zeel - Filter - by price, by category,