This repos is based on whoward69's DLL-VMC v97. It fixes out-of-sync problem of playing with mods in multiplayer game by creating lua interface allows to broadcast arbitrary lua-CPP interface operations or CPP functions (in progress) on all the clients in a multiplayer game by providing their names and arguments.
Call SendAndExecuteLuaFunction in lua, the first argument is the function name (or the function it self selected by ".") you want to call, and followings are the argument you want to pass. Remember if function names are provided, they should be prefixed with ClassName::l (it's actually their name in CPP source). SendAndExecuteLuaFunction is registered as static method for lua object Game, Map and as instance method for lua object Unit, Player, Plot, City. For example, if you are executing a custom button function, call:
unit = player:SendAndExecuteLuaFunction("CvLuaPlayer::lInitUnit", GameInfoTypes[unitType], plotX, plotY)
unit:SendAndExecuteLuaFunction("CvLuaUnit::lKill", false)
Game.SendAndExecuteLuaFunction("CvLuaGame::lSetPlotExtraYield", x, y, GameInfoTypes.YIELD_FOOD, 1)
unit = player:SendAndExecuteLuaFunction(player.InitUnit, GameInfoTypes[unitType], plotX, plotY)
unit:SendAndExecuteLuaFunction(unit.Kill, false)
Game.SendAndExecuteLuaFunction(Game.SetPlotExtraYield, x, y, GameInfoTypes.YIELD_FOOD, 1)
instead of
unit = player:InitUnit(GameInfoTypes[unitType], plotX, plotY)
Game.SetPlotExtraYield(x, y, GameInfoTypes.YIELD_FOOD, 1)
This will execute the methods with given arguments on all the clients in a multiplayer game, eliminating out-of-sync problem.
You must have both VS2008, VS2013 tool chain installed. In project configuration, enter the page VC++ directory, change executable path to your VS2013 compiler path (Usually "\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin" and "\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE"), the remaining set to VS2008 tool chain's path.
If you have them installed in the path "C:\Program Files (x86)", you can open the sln file with VS2022 and compile without modifying configurations. The configurations in VS2022 is like this:
Currently, not all the methods can be called in this way, available methods are:
And all the lua methods prefixed with lSet, lChange belongning to class CvLuaUnit, CvLuaCity, CvLuaTeam, CvLuaTeamTech, CvLuaPlot, CvLuaPlayer, CvLuaMap, CvLuaGame.
Currently you can pass LUA_TNUMBER, LUA_TSTRING, LUA_TBOOLEAN, LUA_TNILL and lua game instances unit, player, team, plot, city, teamTech which are actually LUA_TTABLE as arguments to invoke SendAndExecuteLuaFunction.