Parser for gson-like parsing/serializing of Firebase-Snapshot-responses in Swift 4.
(Note: This class is designed for Swift 4 and the Firebase SDK v4.0.0+)
With this Parser you can automatically fill swift objects from your Firebase-Snapshots.
It maps the fields of the json into class members.
The key of a snapshot is always mapped into the class as an id
-member of type String
If the id is not needed you can just implement the ParsableObject
instead of the ParsableSnapshot
The parser guarantees that you typed every name correctly by throwing an exception if a key is typed wrong :)
It is also possible to serialize the objects back into a dictionary, which can be used to update database values. During the serialisation process the keys of the snapshots are mapped back out of the class.
- Just download the swift file and integrate it into the project.
- Implement a class for each snapshot/object.
- Nest as much as you want
- Have fun with the clean API
The parser knows five types to interpret the json format from Firebase:
- Snapshot - contains a key and one json-object
- Field - just a primitive field
- Object - a snapshot without key
- List - a list of snapshots
- Dictionary - instead of mapping values to class members they are mapped into a dictionary
The following example is a Snapshot with the key -KlkSDA48adWgf4cSAe4"
"-KlkSDA48adWgf4cSAe4": {
"name": "name",
"field1": 10,
"field2": 7,
"field3": 23,
"list": {
"-KrD41dNnkdq46k6fDPb": {
"fieldX": 0,
"fieldY": "some text",
"FieldZ": true
"Oklde47E5d4-OghJkl4A": {
"fieldX": 0,
"fieldY": "some text",
"FieldZ": true
"-KdjDiEjda4875EdsakD": {
"fieldX": 0,
"fieldY": "some text",
"FieldZ": true
The following code demonstrates all use cases (the code is not linked to the json above):
class Main{
func run(){
//parse single snapshot into an Example
let exampleObject = try SnapshotParser().parseSnapshot(snap: getSnapshot(),type: Example.self)
//parse list of snapshots into an Array<Example>
let exampleObjects = try SnapshotParser().parseAsList(snap: getSnapshot(),type: Example.self)
//you can also serialize the created objects again
let dict=SnapshotParser().serialize(object: exampleObject)
//to change the key name (which is "id" by default) you can create the parser with a custom key
//but this is not necessary in most cases
let parser=SnapshotParser(withKey: "yourPrimaryKey")
class Example:ParsableSnapshot{
var id: String? //ParsableSnaphot maps the id into the class
var yourPrimitiveField:String?=nil
var yourObject:YourObject?=nil // Here is a Snapshot with an ignored id value
var yourList:[Something]?=nil // If there is a list it means that Example contains multiple snapshots
var yourDict:[String:Bool]?=nil // A dictionary is always filled with all the bindings which were not explicitly bound
required init(){} //This is required :D
func bindProperties(binder: SnapshotParser.Binder) {
// This is the heart of the parser
// Here you bind the member to the key of the json
// You don't have to bind everything as long as you provide a dictionary to take the rest of the fields
// If no dictionary is used you get really nice errors about typos in the names - that is a good thing!
// So don't use a dictionary unless you need one
binder.bindField(name: "id", field: &id)
binder.bindField(name: "yourPrimitiveField", field: &yourPrimitiveField)
binder.bindObject(name: "yourObject", field: &yourObject)
binder.bindList(name: "yourList", list: &yourList)
binder.bindDictionary(name: "yourDict", dict: &yourDict)
class Something: ParsableSnapshot {
var id: String?
required init(){}
func bindProperties(binder: SnapshotParser.Binder) {
binder.bindField(name: "id", field: &id)
class YourObject: ParsableObject {
//object ignores id
required init(){}
func bindProperties(binder: SnapshotParser.Binder) {
If you have questions feel free to open an issue ;)