Simple joke making application created with Node.js & Express.js. It will demonstrate the use of calling to a back-end server to fetch an API data, receive it back to the front-end browser, & display to the DOM.
Michael F. Alvarez | Herman Liu | Adnan Niaz
Node / NPM / Express
- clone repo
$ git clone
$ git clone [email protected]:awwmicky/joke-generator-app.git
GitHub cli
$ gh repo clone awwmicky/joke-generator-app
- update, then run
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
- call API route to server > API route calls 3rd party API > send back data to client > display to DOM
- user clicks the button once, it pops up a joke
- user clicks the button again, it pops up the punchline
- Workflow: Github / GH Projects / Pull Requests / Git
- Front-End: HTML / CSS / JS / Axios / Materialize
- Back-End: Node / Express / Axios / API
- Deploy: Heroku